TechnipFMC awarded Ndungu pipe work off Angola

Azule Energy has awarded TechnipFMC work to supply flexible pipe for its Ndungu project offshore Angola.

In an 2 August announcement TechnipFMC (NYSE:FTI) noted that the significant award – valued at between $75 million and $250m – marked its second win in Angolan developments in recent months.

In February Azule – a local joint venture between BP and Eni – awarded the group one of its “largest ever” awards for flexible pipe in West Africa, for delivery to the Agogo Integrated West Hub development project.

As with Agogo, the Ndungu project will also tie into Block 15/06 West Hub.

Technip said the extension of its recent contract means the company could provide an “optimised” solution that enables Azule to stay on schedule and achieve further efficiencies.

Eni began producing from the Ndungu field in February, via an early production system with capacity of some 20,000 barrels per day.

The company began production at Ndungu through one production well and plans to add a second producer in the fourth quarter of this year.

Upping estimates, it has recently suggested the Eni believes the field could hold 800 million to 1 billion barrels of oil equivalent in place.

Throughput from the field is also aimed at sustaining plateau at the Ngoma facility, a floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel at the heart of the West Hub, on Block 15/06.

Technip’s award was included in inbound orders in the second quarter of 2023.

TechnipFMC president for subsea Jonathan Landes noted: “This contract is the result of transparency and collaboration between TechnipFMC and Azule to accommodate a fast-track schedule.

“Trust, responsiveness, and agility are at the core of the relationship we are building with this key player in Angola. We’re delighted to be working with Azule once again.”

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